Teacher's Auto Text

Video Tutorials

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New videos are being uploaded daily.

Filling Out the Registration Form

Save to Dropbox and Change the Icon

How to Purchase a License Number

Going Over the Class Set-up Page

Extracting Student Information from Infinite Campus

Using the Infinite Campus Roster Information Tool

Attendance Setup

Message Service Calibration

Calibrate Teacher's Auto Text to Send Messages in Google Messages

Calibrate Teacher's Auto Text to Send Messages in Google Voice

Calibrate Teacher's Auto Text to Send Messages in Remind

Calibrate Teacher's Auto Text to Send Messages in TalkingPoints

Calibrate Teacher's Auto Text to Send Messages in TextNow

Sending Messages

Sending Your First Message

Sending Messages with Google Voice

Sending Messages with Microsoft Outlook

Sending Messages with TalkingPoints

Sending Messages with Remind

Export Scores to Your Online Gradebook

Export Scores to Canvas

Export Scores to Google Classroom

Export Scores to Infinite Campus

Export Scores to Jupiter Ed.

Export Scores to PowerTeacher

Import Scores From Your District Gradebook

How to Import Scores From Canvas

How to Import Scores From Infinite Campus

Miscellaneous Features

Changing Raw Scores to Percentages

Finding Assignment Statistics

Using the Minimum F Option

Student Summary Printouts

How To's & Troubleshooting

How to Write Custom Messages

How to Copy & Paste Your Custom Messages Into a New Copy of Teacher's Auto Text

None of my Buttons Are Working...

How to Keep Track of Parents that Do Not want to Receive Text Messages

How to Copy and Paste a Pre-Written Message

How to Update and Install Teacher's Auto Text on Another Computer

How to Hide Prep Period Tabs

How to Use the Replace Scores Hidden Feature

How to Sort C.C. Students and Gen. Ed. Students in the Same Class

How to Automate Canvas's SpeedGrader

How to Create a Digital Progress Report in Infinite Campus